Mayflower Education has lots of jobs available for SEN practitioners within Mainstream, Special Schools, Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) and Alternative Education Providers for Special Educational Needs.
Co-ordinators (SENCO’s),SEN Teachers, Learning Mentors, one to one tutors and other support staff.
SEN covers a broad spectrum of difficulty or disability.
Children may have wide-ranging or specific problems. For example, a child might have difficulty with one area of learning, such as letters or numbers, or they might have problems relating to other children, or adults.
For this type of work you will need to be able to deal with challenging behaviour and have good organisational skills,including an awareness of best practise classroom management strategies and subject differentiation in addition to more specialist skills.
Some of the areas covered include:
•Numeracy and literacy interventions support
•Behaviour intervention (at risk of exclusion)
•One-to-one tuition for Looked after Children (LAC)
•ASC - Autistic Spectrum Condition
•SEBD - Social Emotional Behavioural Difficulties
•PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
•MLD – Moderate Learning Difficulties
•SLD - Severe Learning Difficulties
If you’re looking for a role in special educational needs, then give us a call and one of our consultants will be happy to discuss any available positions with you.